Gravel Pits
At the junction of Green Lane and the Axford Road, there used to be a derelict area that was used by Hampshire County Council’s Highways department for storing road building materials. The land eventually became parish land and the site was cleared, grassed over and trees and shrubs planted.
It’s now a very peaceful plot, with two seats which are often gratefully used by passing cyclists and walkers and known affectionately as the gravel pits.
Hill Farm Pond
The earliest recorded evidence of the pond is on the Tithe map of 1841.
It is believed to be a dew pond, probably originally used by watering animals, cleaning farm equipment and by passing travellers.
The pond had been neglected for many years but it was restored (between
2006 and 2009) by the efforts of a number of Ellisfield residents and with the help of a Lottery Grant which enabled the years of silt to be removed and placed in a “bung” built at the back of the pond.
Bus Shelters and Phone Box
By the side of the Ellisfield Green bus shelter is an original Gilbert Scott designed red K6 (or Jubilee) telephone kiosk which was first produced in 1936 to celebrate King George V’s silver jubilee. By the 1960s almost 70,000 of these kiosks could be found around the country.
However the public payphone service has been through enormous changes since then and, whilst the traditional red kiosk has become an iconic British symbol, people use the public payphone service less and less these days.
In order to maintain a social service where it is needed most, it has, in recent years, been necessary to reduce the overall number of public payphones. However, understanding that the K6 plays a significant part in our national heritage and in many cases forms a focal point for communities across the country, BT agreed to offer parish councils the opportunity to keep these kiosks, minus the payphone itself. Ours eventually became available for adoption, thus enabling the kiosk to be protected on behalf of the village.
Following a public consultation, the inside was converted into a village “free lending library” with residents both donating and taking out books, magazines, CDs, DVDs, etc.